Kishinkai Aikido

The Kishinkai is a style of Aikido centered on developing inner and outer consciousness, through the practice of martially effective movements. The Kishinkai techniques are actualized manifestations of intemporal principles, thus the school is in constant evolution.

The name Kishinkai is made of 3 kanji. Kanji are subtle and many interpretations can be found for each of them.

Kishinkai is the Japanese reading of the 3 following kanji.

Ki (To be happy, to be delighted)

Shin (To practice, to go further into)

(Group, association)

Thus, Kishinkai can be understood as “the association, the group that practices in joy”.

What are the specificities of Kishinkai Aikido

Leo Tamaki, and the co-founders of Kishinkai (Issei Tamaki, Julien Coup and Tanguy Le Vourc’h), were inspired by masters such as Tamura Nobuyoshi (Aikido), Kuroda Tetsuzan (soke of the Shinbukan Kuroda Dojo), Hino Akira (founder of the Hino Budo), Kono Yoshinori (kobujutsu) and Akuzawa Minoru (Aunkai) to name only a few.

Kishinkai is neither a federation nor a traditional school (koryu), but can be considered as a current of practice. Even though Kishinkai gathers people around common principles and research, the external form may have some variations.