The body before the technique
When I started training in martial arts, around 20 years ago, my practice was primarily external, centered on accumulating techniques and trying […]
Japanese martial arts in Hong Kong
Traditional techniques from Japanese jujutsu
Martial body creation
Empty-handed and weapons
When I started training in martial arts, around 20 years ago, my practice was primarily external, centered on accumulating techniques and trying […]
This article was initially published in the French Magazine Dragon Spécial Aikido in April 2019. This simplistic vision of Aikido is generally […]
This article was initially published in the French Magazine Dragon Spécial Aikido in January 2019. Any technique in Aikido begins with Kamae. […]
Our next Aunkai workshop will be at the beach! A good way to celebrate the return of summer and crazy Hong Kong […]
Aunkai Bujutsu is a relatively new school (created in 2003), built around the very simple idea of creating a martial body. In […]