Cracking the code – Another approach of Martial Arts
When it comes to martial arts, Aunkai looks like a very different animal altogether, and that is partly due to the exceptional […]
Japanese martial arts in Hong Kong
Traditional techniques from Japanese jujutsu
Martial body creation
Empty-handed and weapons
When it comes to martial arts, Aunkai looks like a very different animal altogether, and that is partly due to the exceptional […]
Do you want to improve at martial arts? If you started learning and go to class regularly, I certainly hope so! Going […]
We will be hosting an Aunkai workshop in Causeway Bay, in the Judo dojo of South China Athletic Association on Sunday October […]
As we continue to develop Aunkai in Hong Kong, we invited this time Miyakawa Kazuhisa, Hanshi, to lead a workshop. Miyakawa san […]
Our next Aunkai workshop will take place on August 12, as Xavier will just be back from the Hombu dojo in Tokyo, […]